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Animals You Can Hunt At Night

Sep 27, 2023 | 05:34 pm 389 0
Animals You Can Hunt At Night

We all rely on our senses. They have been our faithful assistants for many centuries. Thanks to them, a person lives, navigates in space, communicates, or survives. The coordinated work between them is not even noticeable in everyday life. And everything changes when critical moments come, and one of these senses becomes acute, and the adrenaline starts to boil in the blood. This is interesting for many people, and some become addicted to it.

So imagine how the senses will complement or compensate for each other during night hunting, which is in itself a challenge to test your skills in non-standard conditions, especially when you enter the territory of those who were created by nature in such a way that the dark time of day is not a problem for them but rather a familiar sphere of existence. 

Let's imagine you are entering a forest at dusk. You have your backpack behind you, looking for a place to stop, settle down, conduct surveillance, and set up an ambush. What will determine your location? First of all, you will most likely focus on the animal you intend to hunt. Why is this important? Because each animal has its habitat, hours during which it is more active, habits, and hiding places. The success of night hunting depends on the knowledge of these animals, what traces they leave behind, and what sounds they make.

That is why we will recall the forest inhabitants that can be hunted at night. However, before we get to the main topic, we would like to remind you and emphasize that you, as a responsible hunter, should first find out in which regions this type of hunting is allowed and what animals you can hunt there. After all, each state regulates these issues independently. Make sure you have all the necessary documents.

Animals That You Can Hunt at Night


Coyotes are one of the most common animals you should hunt at night. This animal is familiar to residents of Canada, America, and Mexico. The coyote is, of course, a close relative of the wolf and jackal. Unlike most large predators in North America, coyotes, after the arrival of European colonists, managed to expand their habitat due to their ability to adapt. Given that this animal has gained a reputation as a pest, there are no strict restrictions on hunting it. 

These animals are short-lived. On average, their life expectancy is about four years. The coyote's lair can be located in small caves, rock crevices, or hollows of fallen trees. 

At dusk, coyotes leave their resting places and go hunting. They are very good at communicating with each other and adapting their hunting methods to the surrounding conditions and the prey they hunt. Coyotes feed almost exclusively on meat: rabbits, hares, squirrels, and small rodents make up about 90% of their diet.

As for the recommendations for hunting these predators, first, you must arrive at where these animals are potentially located and explore the area. Because at night, it can be pretty tricky to understand. We mentioned above that it hunts at night. For this reason, it is better to wait for it in the areas where its prey is located. Since these animals do not disdain dead bodies, you can use bait. 

The eyesight and hearing of these animals are extremely sensitive. Therefore, you need to move as quietly as possible. If you are not alone but with a partner, speak only if necessary. Of course, a night vision device will come in handy. But remember to rely on your senses. You should also sharpen your ears and listen for any environmental sound changes. Coyotes are characterized by barking or howling while hunting, as they are pack animals. You can also use a decoy (a small device that can copy animal sounds).

As for the choice of weapon, the specific colors may vary depending on the region in which you hunt.


Hunting for hogs is expected in the states for the same reasons as hunting for coyotes. It is popular in the following conditions: Georgia, North Carolina, Arkansas, Florida, Louisiana, Texas, etc. 

Your hunt for this animal will be more successful if you follow the following recommendations. Before starting the hunt, study the places where the boar goes to eat. The more thoroughly you examine the territory; the easier it will be to find the places where the boar comes to eat. It is better to do this during the day and outline the area of your activity. Wild boars have a habit of rubbing against trees. And this detail can indicate the route of the animal, for example. So pay attention to this feature. The larger the animal, the more bark will be torn off the ground.

You have to follow the boar's tracks, but in no case do not follow the path trodden by it. The boar has an excellent sense of smell and will immediately smell the hunter. The animal will leave, and the hunt will fail before it begins. 

Hide among the bushes and hunt against the wind to prevent it from smelling you. Use night vision equipment, and when you are sure it's time to make a shot, aim for the shoulder blades, where the probability of hitting the heart is very high. If you miss, immediately find a place where you will be safe because this wounded and angry animal can threaten you.


This animal is one of the representatives of the famous animal world to hunt both day and night. After you have obtained all the necessary documents, taken care of the quality of your equipment, and found yourself in the forest, what should you remember? 

The rules are more or less the same as in the previous two examples. Study the area, investigate the movements, and know where these animals are potentially walking. 

The white-tailed deer is one of the most widespread species in the deer family and has been able to adapt to different habitats. This deer can be found in the vast forests of New England and on the prairie, in the Everglades swamps, and the semi-deserts of Mexico and Arizona. In South America, it inhabits riparian forests, coastal shrub savannas, and the northern slopes of the Andes but is absent from the rainforests. Therefore, the area of your location during the hunt will directly depend on the region you are in. 

The senses of this animal are incredibly sharp. According to researchers, it is always on the lookout and can hear a person from a quarter of a mile away. On the other hand, such moments make the process of deer hunting more interesting and exciting.

The bow is a fairly common weapon used when hunting this game. However, it is unlikely that it will come in handy at night. In any case, your task is to ensure the animal's quick death. And in the dark, using a rifle with a night vision scope will be more appropriate, increasing your chances of hitting a tiny target. Remember that in the case of a deer, you aim to pierce the lungs and heart. While, for example, a wounded boar may run in your direction, a deer, on the contrary, can run away if you only wound it. Therefore, to track it down, you will need night vision goggles or special flashlights that will help you follow the traces of blood and lead you to your prey.


Raccoons are real pranksters. It is not surprising that they are on the list of animals that are allowed to hunt at night. 

By the way, on the Internet, or perhaps even your friends, you have a raccoon as a pet, which chews grapes cutely, falls out of bed funny, climbs on the couch, etc. A great picture, but different from reality regarding its behavior in the wild. 

Raccoons are typical predators; they are nocturnal. They hunt frogs, toads, newts, lizards, voles, moles, other small rodents, waterfowl, and fish. But in addition to animals, raccoons are happy to eat large quantities of vegetation. They go hunting in the evening twilight and stay within their burrow if they have enough food. As soon as they are complete, they go into the hole. Raccoon burrows are often located near forest rivers and streams. They rarely dig their burrows; they often occupy the den of a badger or fox. In rare cases, raccoons make their lair in a hollow.

As a rule, up to six tunnels lead to the raccoon's nesting place, and the den is located at a depth of 1.5–2 meters from the surface. You can find out about the existence of the burrow by following the trails trodden by the raccoon. There is also a "toilet" near the hole.

The raccoon settles in deciduous and mixed forests with rivers and lakes. It is rarely found in coniferous forests. Often in the evening, while wandering through the woods, you can hear the sounds made by a raccoon: it purrs like a domestic cat, growls like a dog, and even "laughs." And this sometimes needs to be clarified. That's why experienced hunters advise buying a decoy that can help lure the animal. 

Given that these bandits like to live somewhere in the thickets near ponds, it is worth buying and using a waterproof suit. At night, there is a risk of not noticing the pond's shore.

Rabbits and Hares

The cautiousness of these animals is one of the main problems when hunting hares. Professionals act as carefully as possible, approaching only from the leeward side; otherwise, the animal will likely sense the approaching danger. 

These animals are very good at confusing their tracks and leading their pursuers astray. Catching a hare by surprise, the hunter must shoot for sure because he most likely will not have a second chance. When a hare runs away, it can reach speeds of up to 60 km/h and easily get lost in the forest.

By the way, the size of the caliber is not so critical in hare hunting. You can fatally injure an animal with relatively modest calibers, so using large fractions is unnecessary. You must always follow all safety precautions.

Foxes and Feral Cats

It is an interesting observation that sometimes predators are more accessible to hunt than animals such as hares, for example, which are obsessed with their safety and shuffle away at any sound. Even without human intervention, these animals are used to living in fear and regularly fall prey to predators. 

That's why experienced fox and wildcat hunters recommend using a whistle that copies the sounds of hares in trouble. Our predator will most likely come running to such a sound and become prey. 

Night hunting is most successful during the full moon when no additional lighting is needed. It is better to choose a place to wait for the animal to arrive in advance. It would be best if you didn't forget about the "treats" either. It can be bones, leftover meat, etc.; bread; or grain (it is clear that the fox does not eat grain, but it will attract mice, which will lure the fox with their squeaking).

Inexperienced young individuals are the first to arrive. If you want to catch a big animal, it is better to wait until midnight.

The following conclusions can be drawn from all these examples: When hunting nocturnal animals, it is not enough to come in nets and sit still; you need to clearly understand and explore the area, view, and notice all the signs of a particular animal. We pointed out that each of them has its characteristic symptoms. Second, night vision devices and flashlights of different powers and colors will always be helpful. They are needed to illuminate the area. For example, green and red lights are used when hunting wild boar and deer, as their eyes cannot see these colors. They can camouflage you while providing sufficient visibility. Of course, you should use night-vision devices. It's up to you to choose glasses, binoculars, or a spotting scope. Your preferences, needs, comfort, and situation will guide you. 

You also have to behave like predators who know their prey well and act not to give away your location. 

And, of course, we again emphasize that you must take care of nature and be responsible for the law, which has ensured that such leisure activities are regulated. 

Night hunting is an incredible experience that will give you an adrenaline rush and a lot of exciting memories and stories to share with your friends.

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