Thermal scopes (TS) are considered the most popular among all models of such optics known to man. They are widely used to perform various tasks, ranging from the simplest to the most responsible. In most cases, the main problem with TSs is attaching them to weapons. To eliminate this shortcoming, clip-on systems were invented. They are straightforward to use. With their help, installing the sight turns into a simple and exciting activity, which will take only a few tens of seconds.
What is thermal technology?
Nature created man in such a way that for many millennia, he never learned to see on his own in the dark. Several decades ago, military scientists began to look for ways to eliminate this shortcoming. The result was the emergence of night vision technology, which made it possible to search for objects in the dark. Its gradual development led to a separate area dealing with thermal technology. It became a real breakthrough and enabled people to see through various obstacles and easily navigate even in complete darkness.
Thermal technology is a modern trend actively developing only in the last decade. The result of the work of a large number of specialists was the emergence of various types of thermal imaging devices. All of them still exist today. Such optics has a simple and understandable principle of operation. It is based on detecting thermal radiation emanating from living and non-living objects. Its subsequent processing turns the rays invisible to humans into a visible thermal image. On it, you can see the degree of heating of particular things, identify them and determine various parameters (for example, size).
Thermal scopes
TS are state-of-the-art devices that became available to the general public just a few years ago. At the beginning of their history, they were used by exceptional military personnel who, with their help, performed combat missions in the dark. Such optics immediately proved their effectiveness, and their popularity increased rapidly. After some time, TS manufacturers began producing simplified models of their products for civilians. These devices were gradually improved and, every year, began to be more actively introduced into various fields of activity.
Among the wide variety of sights, thermal technology models are the most popular. They have a relatively simple design for such a complex device, and their operation is smooth for users. Most of the models produced today have a more or less identical design. They also have some differences but are not too noticeable for ordinary users.
Components of most TS models:
- Body. This element is present in the design of any optical device. It protects internal parts from mechanical damage and environmental factors adverse effects. The TS case is often made of durable materials that can withstand high-impact impacts and falls from a human height. Also, its obligatory characteristic is its low weight. This makes it possible to minimize the importance of the entire structure and increase comfort during the operation of the sight.
- Lens. The main component of any optics is the lens. TS is no exception. For him, this design detail is made of rare high-quality materials, making it possible for it to work efficiently and perfectly with its tasks. In most cases, a special coating is applied to the lenses of the sights. It not only protects them but also helps to capture even the weakest radiation emanating from surrounding objects.
- Radiation receiver. Each TS is equipped with a particular receiver, considered one of the critical design elements of such a sight. It collects incoming infrared rays and, after complex manipulations, forms electrical signals from them.
- Converter. This design element fully justifies its name. It converts the incoming signals and, on their basis, forms a thermal image of the area being examined. There are several versions of such a converter, each of which is selected depending on the features of the sight model.
- Eyepiece. This component of the scope allows the user to see the thermal image that is being formed. In most models, it is a continuation of the display, which displays the image obtained after conversion and much other helpful information. Often the eyepiece is supplemented with several lenses that allow for diopter adjustment. It compensates for any shortcomings in human vision and increases comfort during operation.
Almost all TS have an identical principle of operation. It is pretty simple to understand, and every student can understand its features.
How TS works:
- The first of all element of the sight design is the lens. It captures the infrared light emitted by all living and non-living objects.
- Next, the "caught" rays enter the radiation receiver. There they gather and are exposed to various influences. As a result, IR rays are converted into electrical signals that carry information about the area the user views and the objects on it.
- In the next step, the electrical signals are sent to the converter. Based on them, a thermal image is formed, adapted to human vision.
- The resulting image is displayed on display, and the user can see it through the eyepiece.
Due to the simplicity of design and ease of use, TS has become in demand among representatives of various professions. With their help, people have learned to perform many types of work that previously required using unique equipment.
Application area of TS:
- Military exercises and combat operations. The most widely used TS is the military. Representatives of this profession use such devices for practices and complex combat operations at night. With the help of TS, soldiers quickly detect even well-hidden opponents and aim for a shot. Sights of this type give the military unit a significant advantage over enemies, even in cases where the operation is carried out in extreme weather conditions (for example, in heavy fog, snowfall, etc.).
- Security activities. TS is often used to protect various secret objects and warehouses with valuable goods (for example, weapons). These devices help to check the surrounding area for the presence of unauthorized persons and, if necessary, aim to fire a shot at an intruder.
- Search and rescue operations. Often people get lost or get into trouble in places where it isn't easy to survive without outside help. To prevent the worst, search and rescue operations are carried out in which specialists use TS and other similar optics. It makes it possible to quickly inspect large areas of the territory and find the people you are looking for.
- Hunting. This activity is famous all over the world. Professional hunters from different continents strive to get a unique trophy and show it to their colleagues. To achieve their goal, they often use TS. This optic helps to detect hidden animals and shoot them with a minimum chance of missing them.
- Scientific activity. Scientists who study various animals also use TS. With their help, they find individuals of interest that are well disguised and become invisible to the naked eye. Also, such sights are used in cases where it is necessary to fire a tranquilizer syringe at night or in poor visibility.
Thermal scopes are an optic whose owners point out many positive qualities. They characterize such devices from the best side and make them more popular. TS also has several significant drawbacks.
Main advantages of TS:
- Work in the dark. All TS models can be used even in the absence of light. This makes it possible to aim and shoot accurately in places where you can't see anything in front of you.
- Efficiency in lousy weather. If there is heavy rain, snowfall, or thick fog outside, then you can find the object of interest only with the help of TS. This device picks up IR waves that break through the listed obstacles.
- No barriers. TS can quickly find people and animals hiding in thick grass, behind trees, ravines, and other places. This is because the device perceives that even the weakest radiation comes from animated objects, regardless of location.
- Long range. Almost all models of modern TS can detect a target at distances up to 1 km. At the same time, for the most advanced devices used by military personnel of various units, this figure increases by 2-4 times.
- Easy operation. Most of the TS produced are as easy to use as possible. To manage them, it is enough to perform a few simple manipulations and study the basic principle of operation of thermal technologies.
- Ease of finding the optimal aiming point. With TS, shooters can find their target and choose the optimal aiming point. Most often, it is the most heated part of the body of a person or animal.
Key disadvantages of TS:
- High cost. Most TSs on sale are very expensive. This is due to the complexity of manufacturing the device and the high price of components and materials for their manufacture.
- The complexity of attachment to weapons. Very often, shooters need help with such a problem. Because of it, you have to use non-standard mounts, which are more expensive, and it is as difficult as possible to find them on sale.
Thermal scopes are devices in which experts distinguish several main characteristics. They affect the capabilities of optics and make them suitable for specific tasks.
Key features of TS:
- Matrix resolution. This parameter is critical for the shooter to get the highest quality thermal image. Ideally, choosing models with a matrix resolution of at least 640x480 px would be best. If the quality of the image is not the most critical aspect of the sight for you, then you can use optics with an indicator of 320x240 px.
- Lens diameter. The higher the value of this parameter, the better your TS will work. With a diameter of 40 mm and above, the device can capture more radiation, which will help form a more accurate and precise thermal image of the surrounding area. Standard indicators of 40-45 mm will be enough for shooting in an open space. At the same time, lenses with a diameter of 60 mm or more should be used for work on rough terrain.
- Multiplicity and zoom. Any scope, even one that uses thermal technology, must be able to zoom in. In most cases, even for personal use, people buy models with the highest possible magnification and zoom of at least 4x. At the same time, professional shooters (for example, military personnel or law enforcement officers) will need optics to magnify the image by 16, 32, or more times. This option allows you to view objects of interest in more detail and aim better.
- Frame rate. Shooters often forget this essential characteristic. Because of this, they acquire models with low-frequency values, which makes it impossible to aim usually at a moving target. TS will help to correct the situation in which this indicator is 25 frames/second or more.
- Operating temperature range. Any technique is afraid of excessively high and shallow temperatures. In this regard, paying attention to the temperature limits at which the TS can operate without losing its effectiveness is essential. Regardless of the operating conditions of the optics, it is recommended to choose models with the broadest possible operating temperature range.
- Viewing angle. This characteristic is considered one of the key characteristics that should be considered when choosing any optical device. In the case of TS, it is essential to remember the simple rule that the wider the viewing angle declared by the manufacturer, the more territory can be covered with a glance. This parameter is most important when the shooter uses the scope in an open area. In the case of rough terrain, the viewing angle is not a super-important parameter.
How to use thermal scope clip-on system?
The Clip-on TS is often referred to as the most versatile weapon sight. With its help, it will be possible to cope with any tasks you can think of for this optics. In this regard, the range of applications for Clip-on TS is as wide as possible. Most often, such a device is found in military personnel. However, it can also be used by civilians engaged in hunting, security, and many other activities.
Before studying the operation of the thermal scope clip-on system, you should familiarize yourself with such devices' main advantages and disadvantages. The first thing that becomes noticeable to every user is the ease of installation of the sight. This is achieved through a clip-on system that allows you to attach and detach optics in just a few seconds. This feature is essential for shooters who often change scopes and use them in different light conditions. Another significant advantage is the ability to mount clip-on TS not on the barrel of a weapon but on a classic daytime optical sight. This saves users even more time and makes it possible to shoot at any time of the day. Among other positive aspects, experts highlight the compactness of clip-on TS and their light weight. Thanks to this, the weapon is not overloaded, and the shooter does not experience discomfort while aiming. A bonus for clip-on TS owners is the ease of maintenance of such devices. Of the shortcomings, only the high cost is often noted. Because of it, not everyone can afford to buy a clip-on thermal scope.
The operation of the TS clip-on system is as simple as possible. Even someone who sees sights for the first time and knows how to read the installation instructions can easily cope with all the necessary actions.
- First, choose a weapon with an already installed optical sight for the daytime. This is easy, as clip-on TS fits most modern and slightly outdated models.
- Next, unpack your clip-on TS and check it for defects, dirt, and dust.
- If everything is perfect, install it before the daylight scope.
- Correct the position of both devices relative to each other.
- Turn on the clip-on TS and align the center dots on the reticle.
- Make a test shot and evaluate the amount of deviation from the optimal trajectory.
- Make minor adjustments as needed and start shooting.
During the operation of the thermal scope, users encounter difficulties attaching such optics to weapons. This problem prevented TS from becoming the most popular model for a long time until clip-on systems were invented. They made it possible to simplify this process as much as possible and reduce the loss of time. In this regard, such devices began to be found everywhere. Now they are considered the standard, and there is yet to be a worthy alternative.