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How to buy your first-night vision scope

May 09, 2023 | 02:31 pm 427 0
How to buy your first-night vision scope

No matter what, every living thing goes through its stages of development. All modern organisms evolved from single-celled organisms, as all living things strive for perfection and work tirelessly on their own story and everything around them. According to Darwin's theory, all mankind started from monkeys, and thanks to work and time, we became who we are today. However, nothing ever stands still, so every person is looking for ways to self-development. This is how various universities, courses, books, or curricula are created; thanks to this desire, science develops, and technological progress is moving forward rapidly. But sometimes, you need to look back to appreciate our path and perhaps be inspired by history to create something special and unique. 

Thousands of years ago, when people lived in tribes and communities, and the only enemies were predators, we were physically strong and durable. Still, we could not cope with a giant beast and were helpless in situations that left us vulnerable. So at nightfall, the whole tribe had to hide in a cave and preferably cover the shelter with something so that the smell of the flesh would not attract predators. However, this could not permanently save the family from an attack, as it is impossible to recognize the danger in the dark. Since those times, every person, especially men, who have been protectors and hunters in families since ancient times, wanted to have a crazy advantage over animals - the art of seeing in the dark. This skill would help save thousands of lives and make man a more perfect version of the animal. However, almost two thousand years ago, this was simply impossible. People did not even know how to speak or what to say about super abilities. And no matter how exciting and fantastic movies we watch on our screens until we master this ability.

About 100 years ago, when humanity was in decline after the First World War and recovering its resources, tests began on a device that could temporarily improve vision and help see in the moonlight or the sun's twilight. Scientists from several countries assumed that war is not the last and that to have an advantage over the enemy, you need equipment the enemy did not have. However, it was not the weapon that became the lever for the start of development, but rather the night vision device. With its help, it was possible to determine the location of enemies, warehouses, or command posts, track enemies and deliver devastating blows.

During the Second World War, developments were immediately used on the battlefield and improved depending on the defects found. Opponents were also on alert, so some developments were stolen and enhanced by other parties to the conflict for further use on the battlefield. Thus, almost all warring countries were able not only to obtain night vision technology but also to add their developments and significantly improve the modification; the first-night vision device was developed in 1939, and it required four soldiers to use it because the use was based on residual light, there had to be a person who adjusted the intrusion and reading of infrared rays, another person changed the zoom and image clarity, the rest had to quickly move the device since it was pretty massive and heavy as a burden for one person.


Of course, the night vision devices that were first invented are far from being as perfect as modern and convenient technology. Still, it was necessary to go through a rather long and exhausting process of constantly improving the system and many tests to perfect all night vision devices so that they fit not only for the military but also for security service employees and hunters.

Therefore, depending on the modifications, functions, and application method, dividing all devices into four generations is customary. The first generation, these are the very first-night vision devices. The distance at which objects could be seen reached up to 20 meters, the image quality was low and unclear, the weight of the device itself was pretty heavy, and several people were needed to use it successfully. The second generation was much better than the previous one because, thanks to electron-emitting tubes, the image had a higher resolution, and the length of the rays reached 200 meters. This became a real breakthrough.

At this time, various modifications of the devices began to appear, such as monoculars or binoculars; they were still quite heavy and bulky but could be used by one person. The third generation was an absolute miracle because it was based on photocathodes, which allowed us to see images at a distance of up to 300-500 meters, had a powerful zoom, and much higher image quality. The third generation began to be widely used by security services, the police, hunters, and ordinary citizens (to protect their homes or other property). The third generation is an excellent value-for-money device sufficient for any purpose. However, scientists did not stop and started a more advanced version, which is now used exclusively by the military, special forces, snipers, and other persons for whom sensitivity of the image to the minor details at long distances, relatively small size and weight, as well as convenience and speed of use are significant. This is how you can find glasses with built-in night vision devices, binoculars, scopes, or weapons.

With the development of science and technology, night vision devices have improved. New additions appeared, and constant research simplified the work with night vision devices and helped in various situations. And if the first devices were based on residual light, later progress went much further. All night vision devices were divided into two groups according to the principle of operation: direct night vision devices, which with the help of lenses and residual infrared light, allow you to see in the dark, and thermal imagers, at the base, which are readings of the subject's body temperature, and the image is a moving blob of varying shades.

Also, night vision devices differ in their modification, depending on your wishes and purposes of use; you can buy a monocular or binoculars, different in size and weight, and many options for sights, depending on the observation distance and speed of service, glasses that greatly facilitate the task and free hands. Of course, which device should be purchased is up to you. Here, first of all, it is worth relying not only on your wishes or ideas but also on financial possibilities and the type of tasks for which you choose a night vision device.

Important parameters

When buying any equipment, a significant indicator is the selection of the functions you need, which must be in the device to perform the tasks, as well as essential indicators for working with them. So, when choosing night vision devices, you should pay attention to the sensitivity to light and how little light is needed for the device to work so that the quality of the image and the performance of tasks do not suffer from the fact that the higher the sensitivity, the less residual light you will need. The following important metric is magnification or image quality, how detailed you see objects when observing or aiming, even while moving. Equally important is the working distance, which is the most significant space from which you can work without losing image quality.

If performance and mobility are one of your main criteria, then pay attention to the size and weight of the device because sometimes you will need to use NVD urgently or have to use it for a very long time, so it should be compact and convenient. One of the most important indicators is how the device works on batteries or does it need constant recharging, depending on the type of your tasks; this is a significant factor because sometimes it is not possible to charge the device due to a lack of current. Sometimes the batteries can run out, and there is no store nearby, so consider this fact when you choose.

Price and features

Of course, each device has specific features that can reduce or increase its price. Let's talk about fourth-generation night vision devices. It is not surprising that their price can reach tens of thousands of dollars, depending on the device's size, modifications, functions, and material, but what is such a device for an ordinary person? Certain parts that make work easier will also have to be paid for, say, the process of photo or video recording, in order not only to observe but also to record it on a memory card; if you are a nature photographer, then this function is necessary, but it adds to the price.

The higher the resolution or the working distance, the higher the price. A lot depends on the size and weight; if you choose between two devices with the same characteristics, the lighter one will be more expensive because it is primarily your comfort. Are you going to attach your device to your weapon? Think about this question right away because this opportunity will free your hands and allow you to use all the advantages of night vision and, at the same time, be ready to shoot.

Therefore, be prepared that the price depends on the weight and size, type of device, working distance, type of power supply, the possibility of filming, and the material of manufacture. Before buying, decide which functions are essential to you and the amount you can spend, because it seems you need everything. Still, for observing nature, binoculars with average properties will be enough, and full readiness is required for the performance of combat missions.

First-time use of night vision scope

Your familiarity with the night vision scope may be quite different. Although this device poses no danger, you should practice using it correctly to understand the principle of operation and the use rules and adjust the reaction speed. Moreover, although technologists have improved devices to make them easy to perceive images, it takes time to get used to a black-and-white picture, the appearance of people and objects in hand, and the pressure on the eye or eyes. Please review the manual, try all the features, and adjust the settings to be comfortable working with it. Use the device several times in situations familiar to you, and evaluate the image. Although it is not a weapon, there is a risk of injury, so be careful and careful when using the device for the first time, and even better, ask for help from experienced users to ensure everything is done correctly.

Night vision devices have opened new horizons for people in various spheres of life. They have penetrated every area of our lives and helped us simplify them; thanks to this assistive technology, we feel safe. And if earlier only the professional military had access to this technology, now any surveillance system would have a night mode, hunters with reasonably good experience go hunting at night and use scopes with a night vision function, directors or photographers shoot documentaries about the life of animals in the wild and do not stop filming even at night, experienced airsoft players seek new experiences and organize night matches using night vision technology, and even for medical purposes, these devices are also used.

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